o Loose and comfortable clothing are suggested so that you can easily slip in and out of your clothing. It is only necessary to remove
o your pants and underwear for the session.
o It is recommended that you keep hydrated. Along with drinking water, keep away from fast foods, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks. Also DO NOT take any laxatives.
It should take 3 to 4 sessions within a 10-to-14-day timeframe. After the recommended sessions, the length of the colon should be cleansed.
o Keeping in mind that everyone is different and reactions my slightly differ, the day following your colonic you should expect to feel more energetic, lighter and less bloated. Others may feel as though the session was a “workout”. In this instance it would not be unusual to feel tired for a day or two.
o The removal of toxins from the body, improving the immune system, aiding in weight loss, improving digestion, mood enhancement, and reduces risk of colon cancer.
o If you deal with constipation or ill health, you may experience fatigue and headaches following an evacuation and the release of toxins build up in the colon. Following a cleanse there is the possibility if old putrefactive material to begin to re-hydrate and the reabsorption of toxic substances to enter the bloodstream. As a result the client may experience nausea, flu-like body aches, headache, fever, dizziness, water retention, lethargy, aching joints and depression.
o Experiencing a stomachache implies that the body was toxic and overloaded, so the colonic helps to rid the colon of impurities.
o During a session a very gentle flow of filtered, warm water fills you and then you push it out. This process will repeat throughout the time of your session.
o Hydrocolonic therapy should be avoided by anyone with kidney disease, had prior colonic surgery, or if they have been diagnosed with any of the following: diverticulitis,
Chron’s disease, ulcerative colitis or ischemic.
o Yes, you can. During the session a tube carries the water to the colon and will eliminate any fecal matter around the tube. Since you are already releasing there is no need to stop the session in order to urinate.
o During the session you may feel no pain or minor discomfort. Laxatives or enemas can put stress on the body and irritate your stomach however these side effects are not often reported.
o Hydrotherapy can assist with your loss of weight because it flushes fecal matter from the colon. The average person’s colon can hold anywhere from 8 to 25 lbs. of unwanted material. A cleanse is a great way to start fresh! Following your sessions, you should eat higher quality foods that are high in fiber to encourage healthy digestion.
Personally, after reading many books written by medical Doctors that have done research in this area, I agree with their recommendation, a series of twelve over ten weeks is necessary. Two the first week (one today, one tomorrow) two the second week, and one a week for the next eight weeks. The reason for that is the human body is exceptionally smart. When we clean out the colon, the body starts pulling waste out of the tissue and putting them into the blood stream. The waste heads for the liver, then back to the colon. Therefore, the second session on the second day is necessary so that the digested waste is eliminated rather than reabsorbed. The same reason applies to the following two the second week. After the first four, I then recommend one a week for eight weeks. This slows detoxification to a gentler more tolerable rate.
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Sat: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
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Phone: (706) 726-0000
Address: 4490 Washington Road, Suite 6, Evans, GA 30809
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
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